Monday, March 13, 2017

3/03-3/11/2017: Week 4 – Studying the Full Capabilities of Multiple Molecular Modelling Softwares

This past week has been very useful in terms of gaining knowledge on the workings of the PyMol and Avogadro programs. Unfortunately, I would only be able to share this information with you through an absurd amount of function definitions and pictures, which I shall not bore you with.

However, there are two features which I am particularly excited about. One is the molecular geometry optimization function of Avogadro. In manually building or even editing uploaded molecules via the UI, it’s possible to utilize the Optimize feature so that the molecular geometry is corrected to reflect the laws of chemistry. This feature touches every aspect of the molecule short of its atomic pairings.
The second feature which I found is PyMol’s “movie” feature. This part of the program allows for an addendum to the load command which gives the option for multiple files to be loaded in reference to one another as different frames of a single “movie” or animation. By the syntax of load [file directory-specific name], [selection name], [state or “frame”].

Additionally, this week I found that both Avogadro and PyMol are both capable of loading .pdb files. This revelation makes a batch script I’d developed specifically for the purpose of automating the transferring Avogadro-created files to the PyMol environment totally useless. On the bright side, I got to study batch some amount and that was a rather entertaining adventure in itself.

This current week, I am beginning to work on my own archetype for the Foldit module by describing the functionalities I envision would be included in it as well as illustrating the sorts of coding methods I see being implemented to expand the platform’ uses.

See you next week!


  1. Replies
    1. PDB stands for program database and it is a file format developed by Microsoft. These files store the addresses and locations of all the symbols declared in a given file (which may be the PDB file itself). This functionality allows the PDB files to be also used to hold information about 3D models by representing the various shapes and elements as symbols in the PDB file.

  2. What plans do you have for your archetype my good man?

    1. Well, old sport, the archetype can be used by researchers as a road map by which they modify the code of Foldit should its source code ever be released. Thus, macros may be developed and new, comprehensive features may be designed which better suit the purposes of the users. Also, with some of the features described in my latest post, the Foldit modelling software may be implemented in education to help biology students better visualize protein construction.
